Tips To Protect Aftermarket Wheels And Tires During The Winter

Keeping a car looking great throughout the year is more challenging in some states than it is in others. Do you live in a state that sees harsh winters with road crews throwing salt down more days than not? Winter weather makes it difficult to put aftermarket wheels and tires on a vehicle and keep them in good condition for several years. If you want aftermarket wheels and tires but worry what the winter weather will do to them, it might be possible. Here are a few tips to help you get and keep the wheels and tires on your car looking great for years to come.

Buy Quality Wheels                               

The first thing to remember is that quality will make a difference. If you opt for cheaper options, they will pit and corrode much quicker than the better alternatives. Aluminum and steel are both fair options, but you will have to do some research to find out how pleased prior customers are with the product.

Have 2 Sets of Wheels and Tires

One of the best and easiest ways to protect your good aftermarket wheels and tires is to have two sets of wheels and tires for your car. This way, you can keep your good aftermarket wheels and tires for spring, summer, and fall use, but as soon as winter starts to creep in, you can change the wheels and tires to the lesser expensive option that's in your garage waiting.

Note: If you don't have the space in your garage to store your wheels and tires, look into a small storage unit near your home. You can lease a small unit for very little and have enough space to toss a few other odds and ends in as well. Just remember to clean the wheels and tires before putting them away for the season. They must be free of all debris and moisture before sitting for weeks at a time. Another thing to do is to fully inflate them before they are stored and to lay them on the side — do not store them standing upright — it can cause flat-spots to form.

Clean them Often

If you plan to keep your aftermarket wheels and tires on your car all winter long, you'll just need to spend some more time cleaning them to ensure that all of the road salt is removed often.

You can keep your aftermarket wheels and tires looking great— the best option is don't use them in the winter. Take your time, do your research and ask your wheel and tire professional for advice, such as about ESR wheels and other name-brand options. 

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About Me

Creating A More Reliable Car After thinking long and hard about what it would mean to have a better car, I realized that one of the biggest challenges I was facing was wheel costs. I was nervous about the price of replacing the tires and moving through and updating the rims, so I started to talk with people about how to save money. A friend of mine mentioned that there was a great place that offered tires at a low price, so I chatted with them about moving forward with replacement. I had everything sorted out right away, and it was incredible to see just how much better my car looked and felt after the tires were updated. Read more about tires on this blog.



